Syldavian Exercises
This is
an exercise in the use of Gamma
Ray & Sonic,
and Porosity Logs in conjunction with cores to make a well log
correlation and sequence stratigraphic interpretation. This exercise
uses simplified "Fantasy" data generated to teach
the interpretive techniques used in the later exercises that involve
bone fide carbonate margins, shelves and basins.
The interpretation process is divided into:
1. Using the sonic, density, porosity and gamma ray logs, establish
the patterns of coarsening or fining upward cycles and relate
these to deepening and shallowing in the geological section. Mark
each cycle with an arrow to indicate the grain size variation
and so its shoaling or deepening upward character. An arrow that
is inclined to the left indicates that the grain size is coarser
and so the water is becoming shallower while an arrow that is
inclined to the right indicates that the grain size is finer and
so the water is becoming deeper.
This step is
important since it enables the subsequent regional correlation
that will be based on specific log markers. For example, there
are a few gamma ray spikes that indicate sudden deepening. You
will see later that one of these spikes is identified as the most
significant Maximum Flooding Surface (mfs)
for the whole sequence, the Ottokar Shale. Overall the third order
sequence character may be deduced by identifying the deepening
and shoaling trend (from one mfs to the next). Additionally, some
cycle boundaries
also have clear log character change
up cycles

upward cycles
2. Examine the graphical
display of the cores to establish the lateral and vertical distribution
of lithofacies. Now identify all cycles
(and/or parasequences).
As given in the definition of cycles, each shoaling upward or
deepening cycle is bounded by a maximum flooding surface. For
instance the lower surface of a cycle might be the base of the
deeper lithofacies layer that overlies the top of a shallowing
upward cycle or the lower boundary marks a shallower lithofacies
layer which is overlain by a deeper lithofacies layer.
Just for a contrast mark each cycle with triangles to indicate
the grain size variation and so its shoaling or deepening upward
character. A triangle that points downward indicates that the
grain size is finer downward and so the water is becoming shallower
upward while a triangle that is pointed upward indicates that
the grain size is finer upward and so the water is becoming deeper.
Now determine whether the cycles you identify from the cores can
be tied to variations in the log character.

Company intelligence
has acquired and provided you (the Chief Geologist of Monzanite
Petroleum) with a cross section that displays the logs of eight
"tight" wells that penetrate a portion of the Ordovician
margin over the giant Beltzaren Lurrraldean Field of NW Syldavia
(after Hergé 1939). These wells are from West to East the
up-dip Calouste #3; Noble #5; Samuel #1; D'Arcy #3; Wilson
#4; Smith; #4; Smith; #2; and the down-dip Kuenen #3. Each well
has a full suite of Gamma Ray & Sonic, Density and Porosity
Logs and it is intended that you use the character of the logs
to correlate the wells and predict their lithofacies. Geologists
of the National Syldavian Oil Company (NASCO) have correlated
the wells using an upper (SB1) and lower (SB2) sequence
boundary, and a major Maximum Flooding Surface (mfs) marked
by the radioactive Ottokar Shale.

The operating company
(Turmoil) drilled slim-holes to acquire continuous core for each
of the wells and these are made available to you after you correlate
the well logs without this information. Pdf files containing all
wells first with the well logs alone and then with the cores can
printed, reassembled and taped (PRINTABLE-EX-1
Utilize the Gulf Coast
slip-slide method to help you match the log sections and identify
the same sections on the various wells.
Color grain carbonates
darker blue while the marls and shales should be lighter green-blue.
Correlate using
the gamma ray peaks as markers. They are assumed to be equivalent
to mfs.
When you make your
interpretation of each cycle (probably not always parasequences)
identify the mfs, and then starting from the base of the section
upward correlate these for all the well logs provided. Examine
the logs and indicate where sediments of the section fine-up or
coarsen upward from the mfs. Now link the mfs surfaces from the
base of the section upward from well to well. These surfaces may
cap cemented horizons that can be equated with surfaces of transgression
that formed at wave base, and above, when the sea floor was reworked
just following a sea level low. The coarser sediments are assumed
to be carbonate sands and in conjunction with the grain size and
geometric stacking
patterns of the carbonate a depositional model can be built.
Click on the thumbnail below to view the two movies that demonstrates
the techniques that use the mfs surfaces to build a framework
of cycles (parasequences?) from these correlated surfaces and
then interpret the core sections, again tracking grain size within
each cycle. The first movie is a close up of four of the wells
used in the exercise so you can see the details of how to make
this interpretation and the second covers all eight wells.
forget to use the left and right keyboard arrows to control the
forward and backward motion of the movie so you can review it
as you view it! Note the radioactive peaks on Gamma Ray Logs,
associated with mfs, are the most extensive of all potential surfaces
representing better correlation surfaces than the Transgressive
surfaces or sequence
boundaries. As in the movies above you should use geologic
logic to infer the location of the Maximum Flooding Surface (mfs)
and correlate these on all the well logs. These surfaces should
be correlated from the base up so that any onlapping
relationships of the various cycles driven by base level change
can be identified.
Now examine the cross
section with the core data and indicate where the cycle breaks
occur and how the grain size within each core varies vertically.
Match your interpretations to the interpretation you made of the
well logs alone. Note the difference in your interpretations of
the well log sections versus that you made with the cores and
see if you can establish why you had these differences.
Thus, as shown in the
film make a cross-section, first correlate the prominent mfs for
all the wells and then correlate the carbonate sands. Depending
on your interpretation pick base and tops of the massive carbonate
sands and correlate these from well to well when they occur on
other logs in other wells. Either identify the sequence boundaries
(SB) at the tops of the high stand massive sands or at the bases
of low stand channel fill, and correlate these from well to well.
Make a cross-section
tying the lime muds and finally carbonate sand geometries of all
the wells. If you view the above movies and have read in the earlier
sections on the geologic setting of carbonates and the introduction
to the sequence stratigraphy of the carbonates you will know something
of the depositional setting of these rocks. You should combine
this understanding of the regional behavior of carbonates with
your understanding of vertical and lateral facies relationships
in near and offshore carbonate settings (e.g. shoreline, beach,
stacked beaches, tidal flats, reefs, carbonate slope) and Walther's
Law. You should use these to build a depositional model and
a sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the well log section.
They are based on several well log sections and field observations
of the Late Permian carbonate shelf and reef margin complex of
West Texas and New Mexico outcropping in the Guadalupe Mountains,
and the Miocene reefs and platform of Mallorca. In both cases
the sediment character is believed to exhibit a response to changing
sea level and productivity. Pdf files containing a solution for
wells and the cores can printed, reassembled and taped (PRINTABLE-SOLUTION
- 2 ).