basal surface of forced regression

base level

corelative conformity

forced regression

regressive surface of erosion


This was defined by Hunt and Tucker (1992) as the surface that underlies the marine sedimentary wedge that builds seaward during a forced regression of the shoreline. Catuneanu (2002) and Catuneanu et al (2011) suggest that this surface replace "the correlative conformity of Posamentier et al. (1988), and that it represents the paleo-sea floor" at the shoreline at the onset of base level fall. He points out the in "shallow marine successions, the basal surface of forced regression may be conformable", making it difficult to identify as the correlative conformity. Similarly it may be reworked by the regressive surface of marine erosion. Hunt and Tucker (1992) suggest that the basal surface of forced regression may be traced into the deepwater setting under the prograding submarine fan complex. Catuneanu (2002) indicates that "it matches the scour cut by the earliest gravity flows associated with the forced regression of the shoreline". He explains "that during the growth of the prograding submarine fan complex, individual submarine fans may gradually onlap the sediment-starved continental slope (Vail and Wornardt, 1990; Kolla, 1993; Embry, 1995)". He concludes that this "portion of the basal surface of forced regression is also known as the "regressive slope onlap surface" (Embry, 2001). "

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