However, as Kane and Hodgson (2010) note, it is uncommon to identify outcrop analogues of channel-levees, and particularly they find a lack of identifiable internal and external levees. Howver they have found large-scale external levees enveloping channel systems whilst smaller scale internal levees bound individual thalweg channels within the channel-belt. They find this associated with two exhumed channel-levee systems from the Rosario Fm. of Baja California, and the Fort Brown Fm. of South Africa.
Channel-margin levee thickness decreases systematically down-system. They often show a lateral continuity in the facies of the proximal portions of levee facies, but there are often abrupt changes in the lithologies where channel fill and levee sands have an eroded contacts. Conceptual models based on outcrops, borehole images and seismic correlations help with identification of potential reservoir facies (Slatt, 2000).
Slatt et al (2004) record how levees deposits show difference in character related to their proximal to distal position across the levee. proximal levees will tend to have higher net sands, but tend to be thin Bedded with cut and fill features, mud-lined scours, climbing ripples, good connectivity and high angle and variable dipping Beds. The distal levee has lower net sand, thin Bedded, interBedded sand and silt, good continuity, and low angle ripple and the beds dip in a uniformly. The channel margins of levees are more complex, due to slumping. Channel margins are discontinuous, mud-lined, and have variable fluid communication in channel levee reservoirs. The breaching of levees, commonly at channel bends lead to the formation of crevasse-splay complexes. Posamentier and Kolla (2003) record how these features are similar to frontal splays, but smaller in size and commonly are formed by sheet-like turbidites. Channel levee and overbank examples from the Gulf of Mexico exhibit variable oil-water contacts across the reservoir.
Overbank areas
Where ever the slope of a basin margin becomes too steep to support the load of the sediment that is accumulating there, slumping of sedimentary material occurs. This can happen on unprecedented scales, as for instance in the Beaufort Sea and the submarine margin of the Nile Delta. Sediment that collected on the over-steepened upper and lower slope is commonly deformed by creep or more rapid downslope movement. Evidence of this movement is expressed in the intra-formational deformation of the sediment or sometimes by huge slump scars. Slumping is also common in mini basins connected and dissected by submarine canyons and valleys. As the channels downcut into the margins and floors of these basins, their margins oversteepen and fail, depositing slumped material over the sheet sands that form the overbank fill marginal to the channels.

Debris flows (link to further details)
Debris-flow deposits form many of the same features of that turbidite sands express. These range from low-sinuosity channel fills, narrow elongate lobes, and sheets and are characterized seismically by contorted, chaotic, low-amplitude reflection patterns (Posamentier and Kolla, 2003). These deposits commonly accumualte on striated or grooved pavements that can be up to tens of kilometers long, 15 m deep, and 25 m wide. Posamentier and Kolla (2003) indicate that where the flows are unconfined, divergent striation patterns probaby reflect the flow direction and behaviour. Debris- flow deposits can extend at least as far basinward as turbidites, and individual debris-flow units can reach 80 m in thickness and commonly are marked by steep edges (Posamentier and Kolla, 2003). Transparent to chaotic seismic reflection character suggest that these deposits are mud-rich.
Marine shales
see section on deepwater sediments
Allen (1983) established, using fluviatile sediments as an example, that there at least four kinds of boundaries: concordant non-erosional (normal Bedding) ; discorcordant non-erosional ; concordant erosional; and disconcordant erosional contacts.
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