General Geology & Other Links

General Geology & Miscellaneous Sites

We recommend using either Google or the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia for first pass scientific and geological facts, though you should confirm both Google's and Wickepedia's suggestions using other sources.  Here are some the sites we have found!!

Geological & other Images, Maps, Virtual Field Trips and other Geological Services
The "Great Unconformity" at Sicca Point is a startling YouTube video posted by the British Geological Survey providing a narrated and visual description of Hutton's “Great unconformity". The video overviews  where Hutton and Playford visited Sicca Point and allows us to see the place where James Hutton was heard to remark (ca. 1786) on the enormity of geological time, "...that we find no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end..." (James Hutton (1795) Theory of the Earth).
An Introduction to the Hunt For Oil is a series of lectures and exercises compiled by Fred W. Schroeder when he worked for ExxonMobil to introduce earth scientists to the geology and geophysics applied in hydrocarbon exploration.Topics range from a background to the oil industry; the basics of prospecting; well log data; seismic and their Interpretation; structural and stratigraphic analysis; drilling prospects and a lease sale.  The site is provided courtesy of ExxonMobil.

Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) provides access and facts on computer modelers of sedimentary systems and processes and the programs they have built. The CSDMS site links to modeling efforts underway across the world and you can make connections and collaborate with other efforts as you think appropriate. CSDMS is working internationally to build an integrated modeling community.

Dave Waters Personal Home Page
A Fellow of  St Cross College provides research summaries, facts and links relating to petrology, mineralogy, and the use of computers in teaching based on experience as a University Lecturer in Metamorphic Petrology and as the Curator of Mineralogical and Petrological Collections, University Museum of Natural History.

Dawn Y. Sumner's Home Page
Brilliant plethora of eclectic pages ranging fromTeaching Materials that include conventional images to YouTube movies related to understanding sedimentology.  Also pages that involve a Mars Science Laboratory & Curiosity; Modern Microbial Community Morphology including Microbial Mats in Antarctic Lakes and Other Microbial Communities; Ancient Earth including Fenestrate Microbialites and Thrombolites; KeckCAVES reconstructing and visualizing fenestral microbialites; and in using Crusta to visualize Mars.

"Earth from Above" - photographs of Yann Arthus-Bertrand
A series of spectacular low altitude photographs taken from balloons, small planes and helicopters by this generous professional photographer. To be seen to be believed.

Earth Revealed Series

FREE 26 half-hour video programs, in on demand format, the Annenburg Foundation supports instructional series on introductory geology for college and high school classrooms, and adult learners, coordinated with books like "The Earth Revealed" (5th Ed.) of McGeary, Plummer and Carlson. From earthquakes and volcanoes to creation of sea-floor crusts and shifting river courses shows physical processes and human activities that shape earth, Earth Revealed offers stunning visuals that explain plate tectonics and other geologic concepts and principles.

Earth Science Application Directorate - MrSid Image Server
This startling site gives provides access to current Landsat coverage from all over the world. Start with the globe and can click to remotely sensed images of some really obscure regions of the Earth. Need a remote view of the Gulf of Carpentaria, or the Alps of the South Island of New Zealand or Tibet, then zoom in and/or out (MrSid software is something to enjoy) and find it!

Earth Science World - Image Bank
The Earth Science World ImageBank is a resource for enhancing Earth education, and serving the community of science that the American Geological Institute supports. This digital archive was released to the public in June 2003, after nearly a year of work acquiring, scanning, and indexing images.

ESRI GIS and Mapping Software
Access to several geographic data sets in a variety of formats that are downloadable for immediate use. Really useful for teaching and use in research.

FOTOSEARCH: stock photography and stock footage
Access to a huge variety of photographs in a variety of formats that are downloadable for immediate use. Really useful for teaching and use in research. Royalty free images have the company logo

Gateway to Astronaut Photography
Data base of an image collection of astronauts photographs. The site hosts the best and most complete online collection of astronaut photographs of the Earth from 1961 through the present. Require a remote view of the Florida Bay, or the Alps of the South Island of New Zealand, or Shark Bay for a presentation or research, click the locality on the world map and in a few simple steps you should be able to grab the images you needed.

Geological Field Guides to the Wessex Coast of southern England
Built by Ian West this is a geological web site with more than 100 separate web pages, thousands of full screen, color photographs of varied geological and geomorphologic features, and associated geological bibliographies. Individual sections have their own indexes and there is an emphasis on exposures of the Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight coasts where Jurassic, Cretaceous and Palaeogene strata are exposed in cliffs. Additional Web Pages focus on other geological topics, including evaporites.

Geologic Overview of the Trenton Group
Created by Harvard’s Invertebrate Paleontology Department to provide a geologic overview of Trenton Group, West Canada Creek, New York from perspective of geologic setting, sedimentary geology, and paleontology with descriptions and photographs of fossil specimens in Museum of Comparative Zoology's Collections at Harvard University. Website aimed at undergraduates with a basic background in geology.

Geology Shop
A porfolio of links to Virtual Field Guides of the local geology of Europe, the USA and world wide assembled by Dr. Colin Harris of Ashford Engineering Consultants. Examples of the regional geology of Europe include the Alps, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

Geology Web Sites of James Madison University
Dr. Lynn S. Fichter of Dept Geology/Environmental Science of James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, has created a series of web sites that introduce students to Minerals, Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, Plate Tectonic Primer, Wilson Cycle, and the Tectonic Rock Cycle using really great examples from the geology of the Applachians, particularly Virginia.

Google Image Search, Google Maps and Google Earth
Google is one of my best sources of illustrative materials for lectures on a variety of geological topics. The image search engine is a great tool for searching for images; Google Map enables you to view maps and equivalent satellite images of the USA, the Grand Canyon is incredible! Try wandering beyond the USA and you may be amazed at what you can find. The Earth lets you zoom in anywhere!

Ichnology Research Group (IRG)
Located in the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, this group is lead by Dr. S. George Pemberton. He works with a multidisciplinary team of graduate and post-graduate researchers and their beautifully illustrated site focuses specifically on the field of ichnology, and the investigation of animal-sediment interactions in both modern and ancient environments.

This is an online service that provides access to Web resources for education and research, selected and evaluated by a network of subject specialists. This service comes from a consortium of UK universities and partners.

Marli Miller Photography
Dr. Miller, from the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Oregon in Eugene, has provided a really neat set of photographs she has taken of geologic phenomena that can be used by others to illustrate lectures and papers or just enjoy for their beauty.

NASA Visible Earth
NASA's image collection of earth and sky including many satellite images, visualizations, and animations. A Yahoo-like category search engine is provided to locate files easily.

National Geographic Magazine
National Geographic has a large image collection of many landscapes with people, and other organisms in action within many of these scenes

NOAA Photo Library

This collection includes thousands of weather and space images, hundreds of images of shorelines and coastal seas; spans centuries and much of the natural world from the center of the Earth to the surface of the Sun. Also link to NOAA Home

Online Map Creation (OMC)

Create a map interactively by supplying the lat/long coordinates of your area. You can even plot points of interest on the created map using the same method. The interface is intuitive and the produced maps are pleasing. Fantastic!!

Our Earth as Art
Literally view the planet through the beautiful images taken by the Landsat-7 satellite. The Images were created by the USGS EROS Data Center!

Paleogeography of the Southwestern US
Ronald Blakey's high quality paleogeographic maps of the SW US from 1.8 billion years ago to 10 million years ago. Emphasizes the Mesozoic where two or more images of each period are shown. Different interpretations one with most elements of the western US derived from North America; the second in which some elements originated far from North America (exotic elements).

Schlumberger - Oilfield Services - Oilfield Glossary
A glossary where the Oil Field meets the Dictionary and is described as an evergreen, instant reference that defines all major oilfield activities for both the technical generalist & the expert with citations of significant technical papers for further reading.

Strange Science
Bibliography and explanations of how scientists learned to reconstruct fossil skeletons. This Web site lists some of the errors, and provides a timeline of discovery and events with biographies of a few of the scientists who have guided us to where we are today. It lists some resources you can use to learn more.

Sumnerd's Sedimentology
This site includes an eclectic group of lectures stored at YouTube and given by Dawn Sumner UCDavis on topics that range from the ocean, debris flows, carbonate deposition, sedimentary facies, cross stratification, basic concepts, fluid dynamics flow and many other things to explore.

Terra Server - USA
TerraServer contains 3.3 tera-bytes of high resolution USGS aerial imagery and USGS topographic maps. You can locate imagery by clicking on their map , entering a city or town name in the "Search TerraServer" , or enter a U.S. street address. Even better you can click back and forth between remote images and maps of the same region

Volcano world
An eclectic page that ranges from simple models and displays for children to sophisticated examples for the volcanologist trolling the web for material to illustrate lectures and publications. There are many links to photos of volcanoes and an eye catching virtual field trip or two.

Virtual Cave
Djuna Bewley and Dave Bunnell created this site, filling it with a series of images from caves all over the world. They tell the story of caves in words and pictures: what's in them and how it got there; splitting the caves into solution, lava tube, sea and erosional features.

Volcanoe World

Provides facts on volcanoes all over the world, locating them by country, area, and also by latitude and longitude. Even includes the elevation for all the volcanoes and Google Maps of some.

Virtual Tours of Geology of National Parks of USA
Web portal to a series of virtual trips to the basin and range, Colorado Plateau and related tours on caves, glaciers, fossils, mountain building, volcanoes, plate tectonics, river systems, shoreline geology and variety of geological photos.

Wikipedia - Geology
A great place to start gathering geologic data and background knowledge. The materials provided are assembled as a free public service by volunteer geologic enthusiasts and professional to help in description and analysis of rocks. Again Wikipedia online encyclopedia is a great source of scientific and geological background for first pass searches, but you should check and confirm the data provided with other independent sources.

World Volcanoes
A neat site that provides facts on volcanoes from all over the earth, locating them by country, area, and also by latitude and longitude. Even includes the elevation for all the volcanoes and access to Google Maps for some.

Miscellaneous Links

Dexter Sear of Hawaii provides a shameless promotion of insect appreciation on the web site that he designed, researched and produced. See insects as miniature marvels and understand how intertwined our cultures have become with these alien creatures. Excellent web site design.

Cave of Lascaux - France
A wonderful field trip through the Paleolithic paintings of the Lascaux cave assembled by the French Ministry of Culture. Excellent web site design.

Sydney Opera House virtual tour
This is a very professional tour and site built with a light understated hand. This site is a great lesson to us all on how to build a web site.

WebElements Periodic Table
This is the most extensive site on periodic table! The intuitive page layout provides data related to each element in the periodic table. Data such as symbol, atomic number, crystal structure (with brilliant images), references, common compounds, funny cartoons, basically any relevant facts related to the image is there. This is one of the best sites I have ever reviewed!

General Geological Gateways

CMU Earth Sciences and Geography Resources
Links organized around a sequence of topics typically taught in an introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links include environmental science, earth science/geography education, career opportunities, and more. Provides sites selected on the basis of image quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization, authenticity, scope, and format.

CSRIO Petroleum Internet Resource
EXTENSIVE links to web sites dealing with the petroleum geology in Australia.

Dhahran Geoscience Society (DGS)
Access the site of DGS (AAPG affiliate). Access the SandRose newletter of DGS which contain valuable facts related to geology of Eastern Saudi Arabia and the activities of the society. Links to Middle East-related geology sites are found here as well.

Geography Links
Various resources for geographers and other earth scientists assembled by the Canadian Council for Geographic Education.

Geology of the Middle East Oil Province
A personal effort by a few geologists who work in the Arabian Gulf region to provide links to ME geological sites. A good starting point.

Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum
Comprehensive list of links to Professional Societies, Universities, and Web Resources.

Links for Paleobotanists
Annotated links to Internet resources, especially for palaeobotanists (with an Upper Triassic bias) compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber, of the Mineralogisches Institut, Universität Würzburg,

Links to the World
The Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago accesses it all

North Africa GeoNet

Geological research and exploration in North Africa ( Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt). Very extensive with conferences facts, research data, links to North Africa related sites. An excellent starting point.
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