Book Reviews
• AAPG Memoir 52, "Active Margins"• AAPG Memoir 57 "Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy"• AAPG Memoir 58 entitled "Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy"• AAPG Memoir 65 entitled Salt Tectonics: A Global Perspective• AAPG Memoir 71: Reservoir Characterization--Recent Advances, 1999• AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, No. 10 "Development Geology Reference Manual"• AAPG Special Paper 280 "Laramide Basement DeFormation in the Rocky Mountain Foreland of the Western United States"• AAPG "Structural Traps VIII", Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields• AAPG Studies in Geology #34 "Carbonate Concepts from the Maldives, Indian Ocean"• AAPG Studies in Geology #35 "Mississippian Oolites and Modern Analogs"• AAPG Studies in Geology #37 "Source Rocks in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework"• AAPG Studies in Geology #38 "Hydrocarbons from Coal"• The Acadian Orogeny: Recent Studies in New England, Maritime Canada, and the Autochthonous Foreland• Analytical Sedimentology• Andean Magmatism and Its Tectonic Setting, Special Paper # 265• Antarctica and Environmental Change• Atlas of Deep Water Environments: Architectural style in Turbidite systems• Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines• An Australian Phanerozoic Timescale• Basin and Range Extensional Tectonics Near the Latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada• Basins of the Rio Grande Rift: Structure, Stratigraphy, and Tectonic Setting• Biological Markers in Sediments and Petroleum• The Biomarker Guide: Interpreting Molecular Fossils in Petroleum and Ancient Sediments• Black Shales• British Geological Survey: The Tectonic Map of Britain, Ireland and Adjacent Areas• British Tertiary Volcanic Province• Challenger at Sea: A Ship that Revolutionized Earth Science• Coastal Evolution: Late Quaternary Shoreline Morphadynamics• Coastal Stabilization: Innovative Concepts• A Color Atlas of Rocks and Minerals in Thin Section• Computer Graphics in Geology: Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics in Modeling Geologic Structures and Simulating Geologic Processes• Computer Modeling of Geologic Surfaces and Volumes• Computers and Geology, 25 Years of Progress• A Continent Revealed: The European Geotraverse• The Cordilleran Orogen: Conterminous U.S.• Cycles and Events in Stratigraphy• Diagenesis and Basin Development• Drift exploration in the Canadian Cordillera• The Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, 2nd Edition• Earth's Fury: An Introduction to Natural Hazards and Disasters• The ecological basis for river management• Evaporites, Petroleum and Mineral Resources. Dev. in Sedimentology, Vol. 50• Expert Systems in Exploration, Geophysical Development Series, Volume 3• Foreland Basins and Fold Belts• Geology Applied to Engineering• Geological Applications of Wireline Logs II• Geology of the continental margin of the Eastern Canada, Geology of Canada, no 2• The Geological DeFormation of Sediments• Geological Evolution of the Red Sea• The Geology of Fluvial Deposits: Sedimentary Facies, Basin Analysis, and Petroleum Geology• The Geology of the Guiana Shield• The Geology of Multi-Ring Impact Basins: The Moon and Other Planets• The Geology of Alaska• The Geology of Antarctica• Geological Report for the Gulf of Alaska Planning Area• The Geology of South Australia, Volume 1, The Precambrian, Bulletin 54 of Mines and Enerby• Geophysical Case Histories in China, Bulletin of Chinese Geophysical Society International Series: Volume 2• Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide• German Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition 1988/1989• A handbook on practical coal geology• A History of the Earth• Hydrothermal Vents and Processes• The Integration of geology, geophysics, petrophysics and petroleum engineering in reservoir delineation, description and management• An Introduction To Marine Biogeochemistry• The Mass-extinction Debates: How Science Works in a Crisis• Micropalaeontology and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Middle East• Mixing and Transport in the Environment• Neotectonics of North America• Oceania: The geography of Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands• Oceanography• Oil and gas traps• Oil Is First Found In The Mind - The Philosophy Of Exploration• The Oilfinders: A Collection of Stories about Exploration• Paleoclimatology• Paleomagnetism and Tectonics of the Mediterranean Region• The Patterned peatlands of Minnesota• The Periglaciation of Great Britain• Photogeology and Photogeomorphology• Practical Sedimentology• The Preparation of Thin Sections of Rocks, Minerals & Ceramics• Principles of Terrane Analysis: New applications for Global Tectonics• Regional Geology of Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming• Remote Sensing• Rivers of the United States" volume II, Chemical and Physical Characteristics• The Ross Orogen of the Transantarctic Mountains• Ruptures of Major Earthquakes and Active Deformation in Mongolia and Its Surroundings• Sedimentary basins: Evolution, Facies and Sediment Budget.• Sedimentary Organic Matter: Organic facies and palynofacies• Sediment Transport and Depositional Processes• sequence stratigraphy and Characterization of carbonate Reservoirs, SEPM Short Course No. 40• SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology # 7 - Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy - Concepts and Applications• Serpentinites• Siliciclastic Diagenesis and Fluid Flow: Concepts and Applications, SEPM Special Publication No. 55• Southern Lesser Antilles Arc Platform Pre-late Miocene stratigraphy, Structure, and Tectonic Evolution• Spindletop• Stratigraphic Traps II, a volume in the Treatise of Petroleum Geology Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields• Stratigraphic Traps III, Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields• Structural Analysis and Synthesis: A Laboratory Course in Structural Geology• Structural Traps VI: Treatise of Petroleum Geology Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields• Tectonic Evolution of the North Sea Rifts• A Tectonic History of the Bering Sea and the Evolution of Tertiary Strike-Slip basins of the Bering Shelf• Thermal Evolution of the Tertiary Shimanto Belt, Southwest Japan: An Examples of Ridge-Trench Interaction• Tsunamis in the World• Turbulence: Perspectives on Flow and Sediment Transport• Understanding the Earth: A New Synthesis• Volcanoes of North America, United States, and Canada• Wind Blown Sediments in the Quaternary Record
Sunday, February 10, 2013