Holocene Carbonate Refs

References to Carbonate Stratigraphy and Sedimentology


Carbonate Sediment Production
A- Biogenic Sediments
B- Non-Skeletal Sediment

General Carbonate Sedimentology
Sedimentation Related to Depositional Topography and Foundation
Sediment Accumulation, Spatial Distribution, and Facies Models
Rates of Sediment Accumulation and Biogenic Growth
Petrophysical Properties of Holocene Sediments
Computer Simulations Related to Holocene Sedimentation


Sediment Entrainment and Transport of Holocene Carbonates
Environmental Influences on Holocene Sediment Production
Bioerosion and Sediment Production in Holocene Carbonates
Diagenetic Stabilization Relevant to Holocene Carbonates
Sediment Mobility Tied to Sea-Level Change in Holocene Carbonates
Tectonic Influences on Holocene Carbonates


A- Biogenic Sediments

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Bliefnick, D.M.., 1980. Sedimentology and diagenesis of bryozoan- and sponge-rich carbonate buildups, Great Bahama Bank. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. California, Santa Cruz, 289 pp.

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Burne, R.V., and Colwell, J.B., 1982. Temperate carbonate sediments of Northern Spencer Gulf, South Australia: a high salinity ‘foramol' province. Sedimentology, v. 29, p. 223-238.

Cairns, S.D., and Stanley, G.C., 1981. Ahermatypic coral banks: living and fossil counterparts. Proc. 4th Inter. Coral Reef Symposium, Manila, v. 1, p. 611-618.

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Choi, D.R., and Ginsburg, R.N., 1983. Distribution of coelobites (cavity dwellers) in coral rubble across the Florida reef tract. Coral Reefs, v. 2, p. 165-172.

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Liddell, W.D., Avery, W.E., and Ohlhorst, S.L., 1997. Pattern of benthic community structure, 10-250m, the Bahamas: Proc. 8th Inter. Coral Reef Symposium, v. 1, p. 437-442.

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B- Non-Skeletal Sediments (top)

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General Carbonate Sedimentology (top)

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Sedimentation Related to Depositional Topography and Formation(top)

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Sediment Accumulation, Spatial Distribution, and Facies Models (top)

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Bioerosion and Sediment Production in Holocene Carbonates (top)

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Diagenetic Stabilization Relevant to Holocene Carbonates (top)

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Sediment Mobility Tied to Sea-Level Change in Holocene carbonates (top)

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Tectonic Influences on Holocene Carbonates (top)

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Holocene Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Depositional Settings (top)

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