Links, Reviews & Literature
History of Stratigraphy
Terminology Debate
Carbonate and Petrology Links
General Geology & Other Links
Sequence Stratigraphy Links
Paleontological Links
Book Reviews
Literature and Bibliographies
Appalachian Papers
Arabian & Permian Basin Refs
Bahamas Geology References
Basin Analysis Papers
Carbonates & Sea Level Papers
Deepwater References
Eolian Sequence Stratigraphy
Guarico Basin References
Holocene Carbonate Refs
Ichnology/Gen Seq Strat Papers
Libyan Geology Bibliography
Mallorca Geology Bibliography
Permian Basin Bibliography
Sediments - Computer Models
Sequence Stratigraphy - Papers
Sequence Stratigraphy - Texts
Simulating Basin Fill Papers
UAE References
Virginia Geology References
Well Log Bibliography
Seq. Stratigraphy Lect.
Seq. Stratigraphy Stream Lect.
Seq. Stratigraphy Term. Debate
ChemoStrat Introduction
Oxygen Isotopes
Carbon Isotopes
Sulfur Isotopes
Strontium Isotopes
Well log exercises
Seismic sequence stratigraphy
Hydrocarbon exploration
Exercise Print Outs
Image Gallery
Complete Listing
Appalachian Mts - Early Paleozoic
Silurian and Ohio Shale I64 Ky
Silurian AA Hwy Ky
Ordovician Winchester Ky
Ordovician Maysville Ky
Ordovician Build Up Rock Dell
Nolichucky Fm St. Paul Va
Nolichucky Fm Hansonville Va
Nolichucky Fm Lebanon Va
Pre-Cambrian Tenn Rt 23
Bahama Banks
Bank Surface, Maps, and Margin
Joulter Cays
Bahamian Reefs
Staniard Creek - Andros
West Andros Tidal Flats
Lee Stocking & Exumas
Normans Pond Cay
Barre Terre - Great Exumas
Pleistocene - Bahama Bank
Belize Reefs and Lagoons
Burren Karst Region Gallery
Black Head
Ballyallaban Burren
Sheshymore Limestone Gallery
Canning Basin
Carbonate Particle Thin Sections
Settings and Lime Mud
Skeletal - Corals thru Echinoids
Bryozoan thru Coccoliths
Grain Carbonates
Carbonate Porosity
Clare Basin Gallery
Leck Point to Bromore West
Rinevilla Point
Kilcredaun Light House
Rehy Cliffs Ross Fm
Kilclogher Cliffs Ross Fm
Kilbaha Bay Ross Fm
Dunmore Bay Ross Fm
Loop Head Ross Fm
Ross Bay Ross Fm
Bridges of Ross Ross Fm
Fisherman's Pt Ross Fm
Gull Island Formation
Tullig Point Tullig Fm
Trusklieve Tullig Fm
Foohagh Pt Doonlicky Fm
Diamond Rocks Tullig Fm
Spanish Pt Doonlicky Fm
Deepwater Sed Structures
Deepwater Fans
Fining Upward Beds
Flute and Load Casts
Mud Volcanoes
Eniwetok Holocene Reefs
Florida Carbonates
Florida Reefs and Bays
Pleistocene - Florida
Great Barrier Reef
Heron Island Reef
Low Isles Reefs
Regional Reefs and Maps
Gulf of Carpentaria
Norman River and Karumba
Central South Carpentaria
Hook Head Ireland
Geological Diagrams & Maps
Lwr Carb Slope Carbonates
Lwr Carb Dolomitized Carbonate
Templetown Bay
Devonian Harry Lock Fm
Woarway Bay Porter's Gate Fm
Lumsdin's Bay Porter's Gate Fm
Booley Bay Fm
Ordovician Caradocian
Mallorca Gallery
Maps, diagrams and Images
Late Miocene Llucmajor Reef
Moroccan Geology
Satellite Images
Okefenokee Swamps
Eastern Okefenokee Swamp
Western Okefenokee Swamp
Peach Tree Rock Eocene
Permian Basin
Regional Geology
Permian Basin and Slope
Permian Basin Margin Crest
Permian Basin Tepee & Platform
Permian Basin Evaporites
Permian Basin Fields
Shark Bay & Lake MacLeod
Shark Bay Stromatolites
Lake MacLeod
Saudi Arabian Outcrops
Tepee Structures
Holocene Tepees
Ancient Tepees
Turks and Caicos Image Gallery
Turks and Caicos Basic Geology
N Caicos - Onshore & Offshore
Tidal Flats Overflight
Tidal Flats Day Trip
Tidal Flats By Years
N Caicos - Middle Shoals
Ambergris Island & Shoal
Ambergris Shoal
Ambergris Isle
Providenciales Reefs
Providenciales Fore Reef
Providenciales Patch Reef
Providenciales SW Point
Little Water Cay
West Caicos Pleistocene
Pleistocene Part 1
Pleistocene Part 2
Pleistocene Part 3
Pleistocene Part 4
UAE Settings Gallery
Holocene Barrier and Lagoon
Evaporites and Aeolian
Butler's Cores Abu Dhabi
Qanatir Field Trip
Musafah Field Trip
Kenig Field Trip
Movies Gallery
Sedpak Movies
Sequence Stratigraphy Movies
YouTube Geology Movies
Animated Gif
Index of Site Contents
STRATA Encyclopedia
Sequence Stratigraphy
Intro Sequence Stratigraphy
Basics of Sequence Stratigraphy
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework
Basin Clastic Sequence Hierarchies
Mixed Clastics and Carbonates
Carbonate Sequences
Carbonate Seq Strat
Type 1 Sequence Boundary (SB1)
Type 2 Sequence Boundary (SB2)
Relative Sea Level
Eustatic Sea Level
Stratigraphic Cycle Hierarchy
Sloss's Second Order
Bounding Surfaces
Transgressive Systems Tract
Carbonate Ramp Lithofacies
Carbonate Ramp Facies Belts
Carbonate Stacking Patterns
Composite Sequences
HF Sequence Systems Tracts
Open ramp profile
Sigmoid Clinoform Ramp
Exposed shelf, basin-fill model
Clastic-Carbonate Ramp
Reef-rimmed shelf profile
Dunham Carbonate Classification
Deepwater Sequences
Deepwater Processes & Sediment
Deepwater Element & Architect.
Deepwater Source and Settings
Deepwater Seq. Stratigraphy
Deepwater Sediments Co Clare
Deepwater and Clare Basin Gallery
Deepwater Exercises
Deepwater References
Deepwater Early Studies
History of Stratigraphy
Significant Dates
Development of Stratigraphy
Origin of Geologic Periods
Plate Tectonics
Peter Vail and Eustasy
History Links
Exercises and Lectures
Phanerozoic Onlap Charts
Outcrop Interpretation
Carbonates Outcrop
Mallorca Movies
Mallorca Exercises 1
Mallorca Exercises 2
Mallorca Exercises 3
Mallorca Image Gallery
Mallorca Literature
Clastics Outcrop
Book Cliffs Exercises
Book Cliffs References
Well Log Interpretations
Intro Well Log Seq Strat
Well Log Suites
Character of Log Response
High Frequency Clastic Seq Str
Guarico Basin Log Responses
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Solutions to Exercises
Guarico Basin - References
High Frequency Carb.
Hanifa Fm Exercises
Permian Basin Exercise
Skydavian Exercise
Arabian & Permian Basin Refs
Seismic Interpretation
Basic Interpretation
Tie Synthetic to Seismic
San Joaquin
Santa Margarita
Vedder/Jewett Sands
Bahamas - Objectives & Data
Bahamas - Exercise Outline
Bahamas Geology References
Objectives & Data
Final Report
Sequence Stratigraphy Links
Sequence Stratigraphy - Papers
Sequence Stratigraphy - Texts
Depositional Analogues
Appalachian Trip
Appalachian Mts - Pound Gap
Appalachian Trip
Appalachian Mts - Late Paleozoic
Penn Breathitt Fm Fluvial Ky 23
Breathitt Fm Penn Louisa Ky23
Penn Deltaic Pikeville East Ky 23
Breathitt Fm Tidal Pen Ky I64
Back Barrier Pen Ky I64
Pottsville Pen Barrier I75 Tn
Miss Ooids Carter Caves Ky I64
Miss Tidal Channels Ky I64
Newman Lst Miss Ky 801
Newman Lst Tidal Miss Ky 519
Borden Mississippian Ky 801
Borden Mississippian Ky I64
Berea Devonian AAHwy Kty
Appalachian Maps & Diagrams
Devonian thru Lwr Miss
Newman Lst Mississippian
Up Newman Lst Mississippian
Stony Gap Fm Mississippian
Pennington & Lee Formations
Hook Head Ireland
County Clare Ireland
Okefenokee Swamp
UAE Field Trips
UAE Settings
UAE Holocene
UAE Reefs
UAE Ooids
UAE Grapestones
UAE Travertines
UAE Mangroves
UAE Sabhka
UAE Butler's Sabkha Cores
UAE Dunes
UAE Jurassic
UAE Holocene Conclusions
UAE Holocene Photos (gallery)
UAE References
UAE Ancient PDFs
Arabian and Permian Basins
Arabian Basin Geology
Arabian Basin Tectonics
Arabian Intrashelf Basins
Arabian Basin - Hanifa
Arabian Basin Petroleum
Permian Basin Geology
Permian Basin Tectonics
Permian Basin Petroleum
Conclusions and Comparisons
Nassir Saeed Alnaji
Co Clare Ireland
Burren Karst Region Gallery
Central Clare Group
Gull Formation
Ross Formation
Clare Shales
Clare Basin Gallery
Libyan Oil Basins
Regional Geology
Hydrocarbon Basins
Cyrenaica Platform
Ghadamis Basin
Khufra Basin
Murzurq Basin
Sirt Basin
Tripolitanian Basin
Exploration History & Future
Paleontology Research
Foraminifera Introduction
History and Geologic Range
Classification scheme
Test Morphology
Phylogeny and Biology
Foraminifera types (life strategy)
Benthic Foraminifera
The Paleozoic forams
The Triassic forams
The Jurassic forams
The Cretaceous forams
The Paleogene forams
The Neogene forams
Planktonic Foraminifera
Paleoecology and Paleogeography
The Paleozoic
The Triassic
The Jurassic
The Cretaceous
The Paleogene
The Neogene
Sediments & Rocks
Carbonate Classification
Carbonate Petrology
Carbonate Facies
Diagenesis and Porosity
Arabian Intrashelf Basins
Carbonate and Source Rocks
Tectonic Controls on Evaporite
Carbonate Plays
Carbonate Glossary
Holocene Carbonates Papers
Holocene Carbonate Refs
Carbonates & Sea Level Papers
Carbonate and Petrology Links
Carbonate Thin Sections
Chemical Grains
Thin Section Gallery
Thin Section Gallery
Thin Section Gallery
Thin Section Gallery
Thin Section Gallery
Thin Section Gallery
Pellets and Pelloids
Thin Section Gallery
Pisolites and Oncoids
Thin Section Gallery
Skeletal Grains
Thin Section Gallery
Clastic Thin Sections
Depositional Settings
Barrier Islands
Barrier Island Introduction
Island Migration
Tidal Influence
Wave Action
Sediment Supply
Beach Profile
Depo Settings of Barrier Islands
Tectonics and Barrier Islands
Island Conservation
Endangered Species
Beach Remediation
Questions about Beaches
Wave Dominated Deltas
Tide Dominated Deltas
Fluvial Dominated Deltas
Homopycnal Flow
Hyperpycnal Flow
Hypopycnal Flow
Questions about Deltas
Carbonate Shelf
Carbonate Factory
Lag Time
Antecedent Topography
Climatic Zone
Siliclastic Influx
Temperature and Salinity
Clastic Input
Platform Morphology
Banks and Epieric Shelves
Stratigraphic Succession
Water Depth and Turbidity
Water Circulation
Carbonate Growth Potential
Response to Eustasy
Questions about Shelves
Carbonate Shelf References
Clastic Shelf
Dominant Processes
Questions on clastic shelves
Carbonate Slope
Climate and Slopes
Sea Level and Slope
Slopes and TST
Slopes and HST
Slopes and FSST
Slopes and LST
Oceanographic Setting
Sediment Supply and Structures
Sediment Transport and Erosion
Slope Morphology
Slope Biology
Tectonics and Slope
Modern Slopes
Ancient Slopes
Clastic Slopes
Links, Reviews & Literature
How to contribute
Helpful links
What is New
World Petroleum
Current Data
Petroleum Links
Reserves and Consumption
Reports and Presentations
Anacostia River Basin Study
Pannonian Basin Hungary
W Texas and Saudi Arabia
Csato Petroleum Presentations
STRATA Encyclopedia
Sequence Stratigraphy
Depositional Analogues
Sediments & Rocks
Carbonate Thin Sections
Depositional Settings
Barrier Islands
Carbonate Shelf
Clastic Shelf
Dominant Processes
Questions on clastic shelves
Carbonate Slope
Clastic Slopes
Links, Reviews & Literature
Helpful links
What is New
World Petroleum
Depositional Settings
Clastic Shelf
Siliciclastic Shelf Classifications
The clastic shelves are classified according to paleographic position, source terrain and the processes active in the depositional setting and their depositional fabric and geometries:
Dominant Processes
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