This page lists some of the literature [with some attached .pdf files] related to simulation of the sedimentary fill of sedimentary basins. This is frequently done for the purpose of improving sequence stratigraphic analysis so as to better understand the mechanisms responsible for the sedimentary record.
Allen P.A., Burgess PM, Galewsky J & Sinclair HD (2001) Flexural-eustatic Numerical Model for Drowning of the Eocene Perialpine carbonate Ramp and Implications for Alpine Geodynamics, Bulletin Geological Society of America 113 p. 1052-1066 |
Barnett, A.J., Burgess, P.M., and Wright, V.P. (2002), Icehouse world sea-level behaviour and resulting stratal patterns in late Visean (Mississippean) carbonate platforms: integration of numerical forward modelling and outcrop studies, basin Research, v.14, p.417-438. |
Boylan, A, Waltham, D, Bosence, D, Badenas, B& Aurell, M., 2002. Digital rocks: linking forward modeling to carbonate facies. basin Research 14, 401-415. |
Burgess, P.M., Gurnis, M., and Moresi, L.N., 1997, formation of sequences in the Cratonic interior of North America by interaction between mantle, eustatic and stratigraphic processes, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 109, p.1515 - 1535. |
Burgess, P.M. and Gurnis, M., 1995. Mechanisms for the formation of Cratonic stratigraphic sequences, Earth Plan. Sci. Letts., vol. 136, p.647-663. |
Burgess, P.M., Wright, V.P. & Emery, D., 2001, Numerical forward modelling of a peritidal carbonate parasequence development: implications for outcrop interpretation. basin Research, 13, p.1-16. |
Burgess, Peter M., and V. Paul Wright (2003), Numerical Forward Modeling of carbonate Platform Dynamics: An Evaluation of Complexity and Completeness in carbonate strata, Journal Of Sedimentary Research, Vol. 73, No. 5, P. 637–652 [Modeling and explanation of the "apparently" random character of the response of carbonate platform shelf geometries to changing depths and rates of sedimention.] |
Burgess, P.M., and Emery, D., 2005, Sensitive Dependence, Divergence and Unpredictable Behaviour in a Stratigraphic Forward Model of a carbonate System, in Curtis, A., and Wood, R. (eds.) Geological prior information: informing science and engineering, Geological Society, London, Special Publication 239, p.77-94. |
Burgess, P.M., 2006, The Signal and the Noise: Forward Modeling of allocyclic and autocyclic Processes Influencing Peritidal carbonate stacking patterns, Journal of Sedimentary Research; v. 76; no. 7; p. 962-977 |
Burgess, P.M., Lammers, H., Van Oosterhout, C. and Granjeon, D, 2006, Multivariate sequence stratigraphy: Tackling Complexity and Uncertainty with Stratigraphic Forward Modeling, Multiple Scenarios and Conditional Frequency Maps, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 1883-1901. |
Burgess, P.M., and Steel, R., in press, Stratigraphic forward modeling of basin-margin clinoform systems: implications for controls on topset and shelf width and timing of formation of shelf-edge deltas, SEPM spec. Publ. 90 |
Cross, T.A., and Lessenger, M.A., (submitted), The scientific basis for stratigraphic inversion, Geological Society of America Bulletin [Model stratigraphic processes responsible for rock record recovered from stratigraphic data. Accurately predict stratigraphic architecture, facies distributions and thicknesses, sediment volumes and stacking patterns.] |
Eberli, Gregor P., Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Phil Moore, Gregory L. Whittle, and Robert Cannon, (1994), "Testing a Seismic Interpretation of Great Bahama Bank with a Computer Simulation", AAPG Bulletin, V. 78, No. 6, p. 981-1004. [Use forward model to recreate the Neogene sedimentary geometries of the Bahamian margin as the product of sediment supply and base level change]. |
Farabegoli, E., G. Onorevoli, and C. Bacchiocchi, (2004), Numerical simulation of Holocene depositional wedge in the southern Po Plain-northern Adriatic Sea (Italy), Quaternary International 120 119–132 [A great example of a sedimentary forward modeling matching a geological example.] |
Fisher, J, Waltham, D & Nichols, G, 2007. A quantitative model for deposition of thin fluvial sand sheets. J Geol Soc London, 164, 67-71. |
Fisher, J, Nichols, G & Waltham, D, 2007. Unconfined flow deposits in distal sectors of fluvial distributory systems. Sedimentary Geology, 195, 55-73. |
Griffiths C. M., (2001), Stratigraphic Forward Modeling References and Bibliography [Provides a listing of references on sedimentary forward modeling.] |
Griffiths C. M., (2001), Brief review of stratigraphic forward modeling: CSIRO Petroleum, pp22. [Provides a sereis of short reveiws on a variety of sedimentary forward modeling program.] |
Griffiths C. M., (2003), Sedsim Stratigraphic Forward Modeling, background notes, CSIRO Petroleum, pp4. [Explains some of the basics about Sedsim!] |
Griffiths C. M., Dyt, C., Paraschivoiu, E., Liu, K., (2001), Sedsim in hydrocarbon exploration, in Merriam, D., Davis, J. C. (Eds.) Geologic Modeling and Simulation, Kluwer Academic, New York, p. 71- 97. [Application of this classic program to hydrocarbon exploration!']. |
Kendall, Christopher G. St. C., Gregory L. Whittle, Craig Fulthorpe, Phil Moore, T.Don Hickey, Robert Cannon and Douglas Hellmann, (1995 ), Geometric Responses in Neogene Sediments of Offshore New Zealand: Simulated as Products of Changes in Depositional base level Driven by eustasy and/or Tectonics, In B. U. Haq, ed., sequence stratigraphy and Depositional Response to eustatic, Tectonic and Climatic forcing; Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.113-136. [Use forward model to recreate Neogene sedimentary geometries of the north eastern margin of New Zealand as the product of sediment supply and base level change]. |
Laurin, J, Meyers, S R, Sageman, B B & Waltham, D., 2005. Phase-lagged amplitude modulation of hemipelagic cycles. Geology 33, 569-572. |
Liu, Keyu, Trent C.K. Liang, Lincoln Paterson, and Christopher G. St. C. Kendall (1998), Computer simulation of the influence of basin physiography on condensed section deposition and maximum flooding, Sedimentary Geology V. 122, p181–191. [Use of sedimenary simulation to high-light significance of condensed sequences & mfs]. |
Patterson, R, Whitaker, F, Jones, G, Smart, P, Waltham, D & Felce, G, 2006. accommodation and the sedimentary architecture of isolated icehouse carbonate platforms: Insights from forward modeling with CARB3D+. J Sed Res, 76, 1162-1183.
Prather, B.E., (2000), Calibration and visualization of depositional process models for above-grade slopes: a case study from the Gulf of Mexico, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v17, p619-638 [Use of sedimenary simulation to interpret deposition of margin of the Gulf of Mexico]. |
Predictive Geoscience Group, CSIRO, (2004), A practical manual for using Sedsim, CSIRO Petroleum, pp22. [Brief explaination of how to use Sedsim to build basin margin sediment geometries]. |
Predictive Geoscience Group, CSIRO, (2004), Promotional brochure on the use of Sedsim, CSIRO Petroleum, pp22 [Sedsim Brochure]
Sen, A., Kendall, C.G.S.C., and Levine, P., (1999), Combining a computer simulation and eustatic events to date seismic sequence boundaries: a case study of the Neogene of the Bahamas: Sedimentary Geology, v. 125, p. 47-59. [Use forward model to recreate the Neogene sedimentary geometries of Bahamian margin as product of sediment supply & accomodation changes induced by eustasy] |
Ulf Nordlund, (1990), FUZZIM: forward stratigraphic modeling made simple, Computers & Geosciences v. 25, p 449-456 [Brief explaination of how to use FUZZIM to build basin margin sediment geometries].
Ulicny, D, Nichols, G & Waltham, D., 2002. Role of initial depth at basin margins in sequence architecture: field examples and computer models. basin Research 14, 347-360. |
Waltham, D, Docherty, C & Taberner, C., 2000. Decoupled flexure in the South Pyrenean Foreland. J. Geophysical Res. 105, B7, 16329-16339.
Waltham, D, Taberner, C & Docherty, C., 2000. Error estimation in decompacted subsidence curves. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 84, 1087-1094.
Waltham D & Davison, I, 2001. Obstacles and Sinks: Effects on turbidite flow on deepwater continental margins. In: GCSSEPM 21st Annual Research Conference, 511-522. |
Warrlich, G, Waltham, D & Bosence, D., 2002. Quantifying the sequence stratigraphy and drowning mechanisms of atolls using a new 3-D forward stratigraphic modeling program. basin Research 14, 379-400.
Waltham, D., 2002. Folding and faulting in Coulomb materials. basin Research 14, 319-328. |
Waltham, D., 2004. Flow Transformations in particulate gravity currents. J. Sedimentary Research 74, 129-134. |
Waltham, D., 2004. Anthropic Selection for the Moons mass. Astrobiology 4, 460-468. |
Warrlich, G, Bosence, D and Waltham, D., 2005. 3D and 4D controls on carbonate depositional sequences. Sedimentology 52, 363-389.
Waltham, D and Grocke, D R.,2006.Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 70, 384-394.
Waltham, D, 2006. The Large Moon Hypothesis: Can it be tested? Int J Astrobiology, 5, 327-331. |
Waltham, D, 2007. Half a Billion years of Good Weather: Gaia or good luck? A&G 48, 3.1-3.3. |
Young, Hamish, and Cedric Griffiths, (2002), Sedsim simulation of the Eastern Gregory Sub-basin, Canning basin, W.A. Later Carboniferous to Early Permian. Hamish Young pp55. [Use of Sedsim to recreate the Paleozoic sedimentary geometries of Canning basin margin as product of sediment supply & accomodation changes induced by eustasy]. | |