Guarico Basin - References

Well Logs: References

Peter Doyle & Matthew R. Bennett, 1998, Unlocking the stratigraphic record, John Wiley & Sons, England, 532 pp.

E. Emery & K. J. Myers, 1996, Sequence Stratigraphy, Blackwell Science Ltd., London, 297 pp.

Malcolm Rider, 1996, "The geological interpretation of well logs", 2nd edition, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston p. 280 ISBN 0-88415-354-1.

Van Wagoner, J.C., Mitchum, R.M., Jr., Campion, K.M. & Rahmanian, V.D. (1990) Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in Well Logs, Cores and Outcrop: Concepts for High Resolution Correlation of Time and Facies. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Methods in Exploration Series, Tulsa, 7, 55 pp.

Guarico Sub Basin: References

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