Power Point lecture Topic Click and Link to Lecture |
Some of content of lectures |
"Architectural Elements- Introduction" |
Facies, sedimentary structures, elements and depositional systems! |
"Basics of Sequence Stratigraphy" |
Role of Steno, Walther & Base Level Surfaces |
Philosophical consideration of role of sequence stratigraphic terminology. |
"Sequence Stratigraphic Surfaces" |
Octavian Catuneanu's Diagrams |
Jeroen Schokker "Integration of lithostratigraphy & lithofacies" Oslo
Geologic mapping of lithofacies using sequence stratigraphy |
"Use of conceptual depositional models with sequence stratigraphy"
Template used to interpret depositional systems |
"Eustasy and collisions from outer space " |
What evidence is there that some global base level change is driven by bolide impacts? |
"Well Logs and Seismic - Tools for Subsurface Analysis" |
Outlines how surfaces & lithology are determined from well logs & seismic |
"Clastic sediment Hierarchies & eustasy" |
Control of sea level & depositional setting on clastics |
"Carbonate sediment Hierarchies & eustasy" |
Sea level & depositional setting of carbonates |
"Carbonate storm deposits and HST surfaces of condensation" |
Response of Storm Deposits to sea level & depositional setting |
"evaporites, Plate Tectonics and Sequence Stratigraphy" |
evaporites sea level, climate & tectonic setting |
"Lacustrian, Glacial, Aeolian Systems" |
Depositional processes in lakes, glaciers, and dunes. |
"Introduction to Sedpak" |
Basics of Sedpak and the use of its menus |
"Role of lime muds in the stratigraphic section" |
The sequestration of lime mud in geologic section |
"Process modeling of sedimentology of carbonates" |
Setting up carbonate simulations? |
"Sedimentary structures - a compendium" |
Use of sedimentary structures to determine setting |
"Ichnology & ichnofacies; an important tool in stratigraphic interpretation!" |
Based on work of Pemberton & his co-workers In Alberta and Steve Hasiotis of Kansas |
"Carbonate Particles - Extensive introduction" |
Carbonate allochems and their depositional setting |
"Carbonates - A brief overview" |
Carbonates allochems, ccd and diagenesis |
"Carbonates - Review their depositional systems" |
Carbonates and their depositional setting |
"Carbonates - Diagenetic Behavior" |
Carbonates and their diagenesis |
"Bahamas - Holocene Carbonates" |
Carbonates accumulating in Bahamas |
"Shark Bay - Holocene Carbonates" |
Carbonates accumulating in Shark Bay |
"UAE-Holocene Carbonates & evaporites" |
Carbonates accumulating in UAE |
"UAE-Coastal Geomorphology" |
Geomorphology of Abu Dhabi |
"Trucial States to UAE - Holocene Sediments" |
A retrospective from 1962 to 2007 |
"Jurassic Deepwater Sediments High Atlas Basin - Morocco" |
Jurassic Carbonate Turbidites & Lithoherms of High Atlas Basin |
"Permian Basin - New Mexico & Texas" |
Carbonates and evaporites of Permian basin |
"Geologic History of Appalachians" |
Traces evolving depositional settings in these mountains |
"Holocene Cyanobacterial Mats & Lime Muds: Links to Middle East Carbonate Source Rock Potential" |
Mud & cyanobacteria sequestered in axial trough of Gulf & extensive tidal flats that rim it, the source |
"Petroleum occurrence in the Arabian Gulf" |
Oil is where you find it in Arabia!! |
"Giant Oil Field evaporite Association" |
Wilson Cycle, Climate, Basin Position & Sea Level |
"World Source Rock Potential Thru' Geological Time" |
Basin Restriction, Nutrient Level, Sedimentation Rate & Sea-level |
"A History of Oil Exploitation and the Entrepreneurs Who Made it Happen" |
A lecture built the text by Daniel Yergin: "The Prize".