Arnott, R. W. C., F. J. Hein and S. G. Pemberton, (1995), Influence of the Ancestral Sweetgrass Arch on Sedimentation of the Lower Cretaceous Bootlegger Member, North-Central Montana, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: stratigraphy and Global Studies, Vol. 65B, No. 2, Pages 222-234. [Recognition of the structural control on depositional setting recorded by burrowers.] |
Bromley, Richard G., Alfred Uchman, Murray R. Gregory and Anthony J. Martin, (2003), Hillichnus lobosensis igen. et isp. nov., a complex trace fossil produced by tellinacean bivalves, Paleocene, Monterey, California, USA, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 192, Issues 1-4, Pages 157-186. [Details burrowing organisms and their response to the chemical and bacterialogical setting in a deeperwater canyon] |
Bromley, Richard G., and Nils-Martin Hanken (2003), Structure and function of large, lobed Zoophycos, Pliocene of Rhodes, Greece; Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 192, Issues 1-4, Pages 79-100. [Suggests importance of oxygen in the sediment and character burrrows.] |
Droser, Mary L., Soren Jensen, and James G. Gehling (2002), trace fossils and substrates of the terminal Proterozoic–Cambrian transition: Implications for the record of early bilaterians and sediment mixing; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. vol. 99, no. 20, p12575. [Substrate firmness shown important to preservation of bioturbation in the sediments] |
Ekdale, A. A., and Richard G. Bromley (2003), Paleoethologic interpretation of complex Thalassinoides in shallow-marine limestones, Lower Ordovician, southern Sweden, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 192, Issues 1-4, Pages 221-227. [Subtleties of sedimentary responses to burrowing organisms in limestones!] |
Frey, Robert W., and S. George Pemberton (1985), Biogenic Structures in Outcrops and Cores. I. Approaches to Ichnology, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 33 No. 1, Pages 72-115. [Classic really well illustrated heirarchical atlas of ichnology for the novice & experts!] |
Frey, Robert W., and S. George Pemberton, (1987), The Psilonichnus Ichnocoenose, and Its Relationship to Adjacent Marine and Nonmarine Ichnocoenoses along the Georgia Coast, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 35 No. 3., Pages 333-357. [Use of more detailed ichnology better linked to coastal depositional settings]. |
Gingras, Murray K., S., Pemberton, G., and Saunders, T., (2001), Bathymetry, sediment texture, and substrate cohesiveness; their impact on modern glossifungites trace assemblages at Willapa Bay, Washington. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 169(1-2): 1-21. [Better numbers on constraints on using ichnology to determine depositional setting]. |
Gingras, Murray K., and S. George Pemberton, (2000), A Field Method for Determining the Firmness of Colonized Sediment Substrates, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: stratigraphy and Global Studies, Vol. 70, No. 6, Pages 1341-1344.. [Size of indent of hard sphere dropped from fixed height found inversely proportional to media firmness and the colonization of the surface by a variety of burrowers].
Gingras, Murray K., Bryce MacMillan, Bruce J. Balcom, Tom Saunders, and S. George Pemberton, (2002), Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Petrographic Techniques to Understand the Textural Attributes and porosity Distribution in Macaronichnus-Burrowed Sandstone, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Vol. 72, No. 4, Pages 552-558. [Magnetic resonance images used to determine how subtle variations in grain size and porosity effect character and distribution of burrows].
Gingras, Murray K., James A. MacEachern, and S. George Pemberton, (1998), A Comparative Analysis of the Ichnology of Wave- and River-dominated Allomembers of the Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan formation, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 46, No. 1, Pages 51-73. [Differentiation of wave versus fluvial depositional setting determined from Ichnology]. |
Gingras, Murray K., Matti E. Rasanen, S. George Pemberton, and Lidia P. Romero (2002), Ichnology and Sedimentology Reveal Depositional Characteristics of Bay-Margin parasequences in the Miocene Amazonian Foreland basin, Journal of Sedimentary Research Vol. 72 Journal of Sedimentary Research Vol. 72, No. 6, Pages 871-883. [The subtleties of depositional setting in stratigraphic sequences determined from Ichnology.]
Gingras, Murray K., S. George Pemberton, and Tom Saunders, (2000), Firmness Profiles Associated with Tidal-Creek Deposits: The Temporal Significance of glossifungites Assemblages, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section A: Sedimentary Petrology and Processes, Vol. 70, No. 5, Pages 1017-1025. [The firmness of Pleistocene versus Holocene sediment, setting & the role of grain size in compaction is considered important to the erosion & colonization of surfaces]. |
Gunatilaka, Ananda, (1976), Thallophytic Boring and Micritization Within Skeletal Sands from Connemara, Western Ireland, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol. 46 No. 3, Pages 548-554. [Enegmatic surface burrowed & altered by cyanano bacteria during a transgression?].
Hiscott, Richard N., Noel P. James, and S. George Pemberton, (1984), Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Lower Cambrian Bradore formation, Coastal Labrador: Fluvial to Shallow-Marine transgressive sequence, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 32, No1, Pages 11-26. [Beautiful sedimentologic interpretation of burrowed geologicial section!].
Hubbard, S.M., M.K. Gingras, and S. G. Pemberton, M.B. Thomas, (2002), Variability in Wave-Dominated Estuary Sandstones: Implications on Subsurface Reservoir Development, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 50 No. 1, Pages 118-137. [Classic sedimentologic interpretation of barrier & estuarine setting in Rock record].
Hubbard, S.M., S.G. Pemberton, E.A. Howard, (1999), Regional Geology and Sedimentology of the Basal Cretaceous Peace River Oil Sands Deposit, North-Central Alberta, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 47 No. 3, Pages 270-297. [This paper illustrates how ichnology is used to determine depositional setting and correlate lithofacies and chronostratigraphic surfaces. Neat stuff if you like Rocks!].
Kobluk, David R., S. George Pemberton, Marika Karolyi and Michael J. Risk (1977), The Silurian-Devonian disconformity in Southern Ontario, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology Vol. 25, No. 6, Pages 1157-1186. [Ichnology used to decipher character of boundaformry between the Silurian & Devonian.]
Leszczynski, Stanislaw, Alfred Uchman and Richard G. Bromley (1996), trace fossils indicating bottom aeration changes: Folusz limestone, Oligocene, Outer Carpathians, Poland Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 121, Issues 1-2, Pages 79-87. [Ichnology used to determine the evolving character of the depositional setting.] |
MacEachern, James A., Brian A. Zaitlin, and S. George Pemberton (3) (1999), A Sharp-Based Sandstone of the Viking formation, Joffre Field, Alberta, Canada: Criteria for Recognition of transgressively Incised Shoreface Complexes, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: stratigraphy and Global Studies, Vol. 69, No. 4, Pages 876-892. [Use of ichnology to identify, interpret & correlate stratigraphic surfaces including a transgressed sequence boundary. Paper shows why ichnostratigraphy is important].
Pemberton, S.G. and MacEachern, J.A. 1995. The sequence stratigraphic significance of trace fossils in examples from the Cretaceous of Alberta. In: Van Wagoner, J.A., and Bertram, G.T. (eds.). sequence stratigraphy of Foreland basin Deposits - Outcrop and Subsurface Examples from the Cretaceous of North America. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, 64: 429-475. [In this landmark paper the fathers of ichnostratigraphy place their footprints all over the interepretion of sequence stratigraphic surfaces. Beautiful summary diagrams].
Zonnevelda, J. -P., M.K. Gingras, and S.G. Pemberton, (2001), Trace fossil assemblages in a Middle Triassic mixed siliciclasticcarbonate marginal marine depositional system, British Columbia, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 166, 249–276. [Match of ichnofacies to shoreline and nearby aeolian belt like modern UAE.] |