Beach Remediation

Beach Remediation:
If erosion wears away and destroys an economically important beach in a tourist area, one possible alternative to closing the area is to nourish the beach. This is accomplished by pumping sand onto the beach from just offshore, a huge and expensive operation. As with most undertakings there are at least two diametrically opposed sides to the story. For a good overview of the question of maintaining our coastal heritage Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Georgia, and Institute of Ecology - Ossabaw

An example of the pronourishment side is the American Coastal coalition, a group of businessmen and women in favor of putting the sand back on the beach for the tourist industry. Their web site is

A number of groups are not in favor of beach remediation, and many base their stance on research conducted at Duke University by Dr. Orrin Pilkey. For a review of the subject see the web pages related to the Duke Program for the Study of Developed Shore Lines.

Wave Action
Sediment Supply
Tectonic Controls
Beach Morphology
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
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