Exercise Print Outs

This page provides a list of images of exercises which can be printed or accessed directly and/or solved using drawing tools that include Power Point on a PC, Notebook, Tablet, or Pad. Links to images of exercises and/or their solutions are in the order followed by the Exercise Modules. Access to these images can be found with the exercise modules and probably is the best path to retrieve them. This page provides a short cut to the exercises so they are easier to find and print out.

The exercises and solutions below provide high resolution images for both printing and importation into electronic media that include PC, Notebook, Tablet, or Pad. Using Power Point drawing tools in the electronic media is an effective and easy way to handle the objectives of the exercises and a means for collective viewing of results in class. Click on red box for more details.
Warning the posted solutions could be wrong!
The solutions offered to exercises are model dependent, so are as flawed as are the models! We are happy with the solutions posted on the site but a geological solution is a matter of opinion and based on the models chosen to build the interpretations from! Remember "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", not necessarily the ultimate "truth"! If your results are slightly different from that proposed on the site, don't despair, you may be closer to the truth than we are. If you think we have posted the wrong solutions please let us know so we can correct our mistakes!!

Print Format
Exercise in Chronostratigraphy landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Chronostatigraphic Chart landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Stratigraphic & Chronostat Chart landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Outcrop sequence stratigraphy - Mallorca carbonates  
Exercise - Cap Blanc Section - Blank Section portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Exercise 1 - Sa Pedera Blanca Section - Vertical Facies portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Exercise 1 - Sa Pedera Blanca Section - Impedance portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Solution Ex 1 - Llucmajor Reef Complex Components landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 1 - Sa Pedera Blanca Section landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 1 - Sa Pedera Blanca Section - Details landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2a - Cap Blanc & Sa Torre Sections landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2a - Cap Blanc, Sa Torre & X-Section landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2b - Sa Torre, Cala Carril & Punta Negra landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2b - Sa Torre, Cala Carril, P. Negra & X-Section landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution 2a - Correlation 6th Order Sigmoids in Section landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution 2b - Correlation 5th Order Sigmoids in Section landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 3a - Llucmajor Sections & Wells landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 3b - Llucmajor Sections & Wells landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 3a - Correlation Llucmajor Sections & Wells landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 3b - Correlation Llucmajor Sections & Wells landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Outcrop sequence stratigraphy - Book Cliff Clastics  
Exercise 1 - Kennilworth Section - Book Cliffs, Utah portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Solution Ex 1 - Kennilworth Section - Book Cliffs, Utah portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Exercise 2 - Panther, Kennilworth & Coal Canyons Sections landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution Ex 2 - Panther, Kennilworth & Coal Canyons Sections landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 3 - Gilson Gulch to Coal Canyon Sections landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution Ex 3 - Gilson Gulch to Coal Canyon Sections landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 4- Walther's Law (Dr. Jen Aschoff) landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Well Log sequence stratigraphy - Clastic HF - Guarico  
Map - 3 Wells in La Pascua Fm - Guarico Sub Basin landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 1 - Wells: W-1, W-2, W-3 La Pascua - Guarico landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 1 - Small - La Pascua - Guarico landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 1 - Complete - La Pascua - Guarico portrait mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2 - Correlation 8 wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 2 - Small - 8 wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution Ex 2 - Complete - 8 wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise - Map 22 wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 3 - Correlation 22 wells (Sec A) La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 3 - Correlation 22 wells (Sec B) La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 3 - Correlation 22 wells (Sec C) La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution Ex 3 - Correlation 22 (SecA) wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution Ex 3 - Correlation 22 (SecB) wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution Ex 3 - Correlation 22 (SecC) wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 4 - Guarico - Well Location map landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 4 - Correlation 5 wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution Ex 4 - Correlation 5 wells La Pascua Fm - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 5 - Dip Line - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 5 - Northern Strike Line (East) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 5 - Northern Strike Line (West) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 5 - Southern Strike Line (East) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise 5 - Southern Strike Line (West) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution Dip Line Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution 5 - Northern Strike Line (East) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution 5 - Northern Strike Line (West) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution 5 - Southern Strike Line (East) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution 5 - Southern Strike Line (West) - Guarico landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Well Log sequence stratigraphy - carbonate HF - Hanifa  
Lithofacies-key landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise - Parasequences of Well # 1- Logs only portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Exercise - Parasequences of Well # 1 - Logs & Core portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Solution - Parasequences of Well # 1 portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Exercise - Parasequences of Well # 2 - Core only portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Exercise - Parasequences of Well # 2 - Logs & Core portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Solution - Parasequences of Well # 2 portrait mode on legal size 8x14 paper as wide as possible
Exercise - Parasequences of Four Wells - Logs only landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise - Parasequences of Four Wells - Logs & Core landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution - Parasequences of Four Wells landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise - Parasequences of Fourteen Wells - Logs only landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise - Parasequences of Fourteen Wells - Logs & Core landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution - Parasequences of Fourteen Wells landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Exercise - Using the Fischer Diagram landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Solution - Using the Fischer Diagram landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper as high as possible
Well Log sequence stratigraphy - carbonate HF - Permian  
Exercise 1 landscape mode page of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2 - Seismic Cross-Section landscape mode page of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2 - Synthetic-Seismic Trace landscape mode page of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2 - Well Log Cross-Section (more detail) landscape mode page of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 3 - Seismic Cross-Section landscape mode page of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 3 - Well Log Cross-Section (more detail) landscape mode page of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 3 - Well Log Cross-Section - Solution landscape mode page of size 8x11 paper
Well Log sequence stratigraphy - carbonate HF - Syldavia  
Exercise 1 landscape mode tiled to 2 pages of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 1 - Solution landscape mode tiled to 2 pages of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2 landscape mode tiled to 2 pages of size 8x11 paper
Exercise 2 - Solution landscape mode tiled to 2 pages of size 8x11 paper
Seismic stratigraphy - Well Tie  
Tying a Well Synthetic to a Seismic Line - Seismic Line landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper; seismic section should be over 7 inches high
Tying a Well Synthetic to a Seismic Line - Synthetic Trace portrait mode on page size 8x11 paper: scale of synthetic trace matched to the seismic section
Exercise Solution landscape mode on legal size 8x14 paper; seismic section should be over 7 inches high
seismic sequence Analysis:
Lwr Cretaceous offshore of South Africa
Seismic line landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Solution landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
seismic sequence Analysis: 5 Lines Lwr Cretaceous onshore of NPRA  
Exercise NPRA Map locating seismic lines landscape mode on page size 8x11 paper
Exercise NPRA Line 12-81 landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 12a-81 landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 16-81a landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 16-81b landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 26-74 landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 27-81a landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 27-81b landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 37-81a landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Exercise NPRA Line 37-81b landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Solution NPRA Line 12-81 landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Solution NPRA Line 26-74 landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Solution NPRA Line 27-81 landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Solution NPRA Line 37-81 landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
seismic sequence Analysis: Line Neogene Bahamas  
Exercise Great Bahamas Bank: Andros Channel Line landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
Solution Great Bahamas Bank: Andros Channel Line landscape mode legal size 8x14 paper - section high as possible
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