Sediments & Rocks

 Sedimentology and stratigraphy of Rocks and Sediments 

This gateway page links to descriptions of sedimentary Rocks that record the continuous erosion of the earth's surface and the products of this process, and their transportation to their current resting place in the Rock record.  Products include the clastic remnants of the original crust, or precipitated materials, expressed as minerals or the skeletal remains of organisms exploiting the dissolved minerals.

The site is informally split into clastics and the carbonate sediments and the Rocks formed by them.  Access is provided to descriptions of the sedimentary depositional record and the Rocks that accumulated and formed there, and their diagensis; Rock fabrics including sedimentary structures and bioturbation and gross sedimentary geometry and thin sections of the sedimentary materials.  Exercises that follow describe the first steps in the use of measured sections their use in building maps of the continuity of the eclectic facies and the use of the sequences stratigraphic models as an aid to understanding depositional systems.  They also involve thin section description etc. etc.

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