Deepwater References

Deepwater Systems, Eustasy and County Clare- Papers

This page lists some of the literature (click on "PDF-Adobe" icons to download pdf files of papers) related to the analysis of deepwater systems and eustatic change.

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L. Droz, T. Marsset, H. Ondréas, M. Lopez, B. Savoye, and F.-L. Spy-Anderson, (2003), Architecture of an active mud-rich turbidite system: The Zaire Fan (Congo–Angola margin southeast Atlantic): Results from Zai¨Ango 1 and 2 cruises, AAPG Bulletin, v. 87, no. 7, pp. 1145–1168
Henry W. Posamentier & Venkatarathnan Kolla, (2003), Seismic Geomorphology and stratigraphy of depositional elements in Deep-Water Settings, Journal Of Sedimentary Research, vol. 73, no. 3, p. 367–388
Shanmugam, G., 2006, The Tsunamite Problem, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2006, V. 76, 718–730

Other Useful References

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Allen, J. R. L. 1983, "Studies in fluviatile sedimentation: bars, bar complexes and sandstone sheets (low sinuosity braided streams) in the Brownstonews (L. Devonian), Welsh Borders". Sedimentary Geology, 33, 237-293.

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Anderssona,P.O.D. , R.H. Worden, D.M. Hodgsonb, S. Flint, 2004, "Provenance evolution and chemostratigraphy of a Palaeozoic submarine fan-complex: Tanqua Karoo Basin, South Africa"; Marine and Petroleum Geology 21, 555–577

Baas, J.H., Van Kesteren, W., and Postma, G., 2004. Deposits of depletive high-density turbidity currents: a flume analogue of bed geometry, structure and texture. Sedimentology, v. 51, p. 1053-1088.

Badalini G., B. Kneller, and C. D. Winker, 2000, Architecture and processes in the Late Pleistocene Brazos-Trinity turbidite system, Gulf of Mexico continental slope, in P. Weimer, R. M. Slatt, J. Coleman, N. C. Rossen, H. Nelson, A. H. Bouma, M. J. Styzen, M.J., and D. T. Lawrence, eds., Deep-water reservoirs of the world: Gulf Coast Section-SEPM Special Publication, p. 16-34.

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Beaubouef, R. T., V. Abreu, and J. C. Van Wagoner, 2003, Basin 4 of the Brazos-Trinity slope system, western Gulf of Mexico: the terminal portion of the Late Pleistocene lowstand systems tract, in H. H. Roberts, N. C. Rosen, R. H. Fillon, J. B. and Anderson, eds., Shelf margin deltas and linked down slope petroleum systems: Global significance and future exploration potential: Gulf Coast Section-SEPM Special Publication, p. 45-66.

Beaubouef, R.T., and S. J. Friedmann, 2000, High resolution seismic/sequence stratigraphic framework for the evolution of Pleistocene intra slope basins, western Gulf of Mexico: Depositional models and reservoir analogs, in P. Weimer, R. M. Slatt, J. Coleman, N. C. Rossen, H. Nelson, A. H. Bouma, M. J. Styzen, and D. T. Lawrence, eds., Deep-water reservoirs of the world: Gulf Coast Section-SEPM Special Publication, p. 40-60.

Beaubouef, R.T., Rossen, C., Zelt, F., Sullivan, M.D., Mohrig, D., and Jennette, D.C., 2000, Deep-water sandstones, Brushy Canyon formation West Texas: Field Guide for AAPG Hedberg Field Research Conference, April 15-20, 1999, AAPG Continuing Education Course Note Series #40, 48p.

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Booth, J. R., A. E. DuVernay III, D. S. Pfeiffer, and M. J. Styzen, 2000, sequence stratigraphic framework, depositional models, and stacking patterns of ponded and slope fan systems in the Auger Basin: central Gulf of Mexico Slope, in P. Weimer, R. M. Slatt, J. Coleman, N. C. Rossen, H. Nelson, A. H. Bouma, M. J. Styzen, and D. T. Lawrence, eds., Deep-water reservoirs of the world: Gulf Coast Section-SEPM Special Publication, p. 82-103.

Booth, J. R., M. C. Dean, A. E. DuVernay III, and M. J. Styzen, 2003, Paleo-bathymetric controls on the stratigraphic architecture and reservoir development of confined fans in the Auger Basin central Gulf of Mexico: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 20, p. 563-586.

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