Basin Analysis Papers

Basin Analysis and Basic Stratigraphy - Papers This page lists selected literature related to the analysis of basins and time stratigraphy.
Busch, Daniel A., (1974), Channel Sandstones; Stratigraphic Traps in Sandstones--Exploration Techniques, Memoir 21, Pages 72 - 107
[Clear expostion of the potential of channel sandstones as hydrocarbon traps.]
Busch, Daniel A., (1974), Ancient Examples of Beach Sandstones; Stratigraphic Traps in Sandstones--Exploration Techniques, Memoir 21, Pages: 48 - 71
[Clear expostion of the potential of channel sandstones as hydrocarbon traps.]
Cheong, Dae-Kyo, Kendall,C. G.St.C., Stoudt, David L., & Bowen, Bruce E.; (1992), Analysis of Jurassic Marine sedimentary Sequence and hydrocarbon occurence in the U.S.Gulf Coast Basin; Ocean Research, v.14, n.2 , p.89-109.
[An example of the Sequence strtatigraphy and the evaluation of the potential for the Jurassic section to produce hydrocarbons.]
Collister, James, Robert Ehrlich, Frank Mango, and Glenn Johnson (2004), Modification of the petroleum system concept: Origins of alkanes and isoprenoids in crude oils AAPG Bulletin, v. 88, no. 5 pp. 587–611
[Establish that the source of petroleum was once dispersed through mcuh of the sedimentary sections and not neccessarily from classic organic rich source rocks.]
Guidish, T. M., C.G.St.C.Kendall, I. Lerche, D.J. Toth and R.F. Yarzab, (l985), Basin evaluation from burial history calculations: an overview: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Bull., v. 69 p. 92- l05.
[Using burial history to determine the thermal history of a Basin using subsidence behaviour.]
Kingston DR, Dishroon CP and Williams PA (1983) - Global Basin Classification System. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 67, 2175-2193
[Classic but dated way to classify a sedimentary basin. However in conjucntion with Base level change this serves as a useful template for Basin desciprition and history.]
Langhorne B. Smith, Gregor P. Eberli,Jose Luis Masaferro, and Salah Al-Dhahab, (2003), Discrimination of effective from ineffective porosity in heterogeneous Cretaceous carbonates, Al Ghubar field, Oman, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Bull., v. 87, no.9, pp. 1509–1529
[Determining Carbonate porosity from their acoustic properties using logs and seismic].
Lerche, I., R.F. Yarzab and C.G.St.C.Kendall, (l984), Determination of paleoheatflux from vitrinite reflectance data: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Bull., v. 68, p. l704-l7l7.
[Using vitrinite reflectance to determine the thermal history of a basin.]
Peters, K. E. , J. W. Snedden, A. Sulaeman, J. F. Sarg, and R. J. Enrico (2000), A New Geochemical-Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Mahakam Delta and Makassar Slope,Kalimantan, Indonesia, AAPG Bulletin, V. 84, No.1, P. 12–44.  
Rafavich, F., C.G.St.C.Kendall, and T.P. Todd, (l984), The relationship between acoustic properties and the petrographic character of Carbonate rocks: Geophysics, v. 49, p. l622-l636.
[Using the acoustic properties to determine Carbonate porosity and Lithology from logs and seismic].
Sclater, J.G., and Christie, P.A.F., 1980, Contintal stretching: an explanation of the post-mid Cretaceous subsidence of the Central North Sea Basin: JGR, v. 85, p. 3711-3739 [Appendix A, p. 3730-3735
[ The classic backstripping approach to thermal history....a landmark paper].
Suppe, J., 1985, Principles of Structural Geology: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Chapter 1 (p. 17-24).
[A great isostasy exercise for a class].
Van Hinte, J. E., (1976a), A Jurassic time scale: AAPG Bulletin, v. 60, p. 489-497.
[Simple but effective methodology outlined to put numerical ages on your sediments].
Van Hinte, J. E., (1976b), A Cretaceous time scale: AAPG Bulletin, v. 60, p. 498-516.
[The same effective methodology outlined to put numerical ages on your sediments].
Van Hinte, J. E., (1978), Geohistory analysis-application of micropaleontology in exploration geology: AAPG Bulletin, v. 62, p. 201-222.
[Methodology outlined to establish the numerical ages of your sediments].

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