Seq. Stratigraphy Stream Lect.

This page provides access to "on line" streamed lectures related to an introduction and beyond in sequence stratigraphy recorded for posterity. Earth Scientists interested in sequence stratigraphy are encouraged to contribute streamed lectures to the series by submitting links to their lectures and those of other earth scientists on the topic of sequence stratigraphy to this site. Submissions of these links should be e-mailed to Christopher Kendall <>.


To gain access to a streamed lecture click on the icon by its title. Some unstreamed power point lectures can be accessed from here too!


"TITLE" Click Icon
Chris Kendall
Bare Bones - Basic Vail sequence stratigraphy Model

Power Point presentations based on lectures for the university classes on Sequence Stratigraphy and other topics.

Friday, March 2, 2018
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