Complete Listing

Pennsylvanian Breathitt Formation Fluvial
Pennsylvanian Breathitt Formation Fluvial
 US Rt 23 just NorthEast of Louisa, KY
Breathitt Formation Pennsylvania Louisa
 US Rt 23 just North East of Louisa, KY
Pennsylvanian Deltaic Pikeville
Pennsylvanian Deltaic Pikeville
 US Rt. 23 Between Louisa and Jenkins - Kentucky
Breathitt Formation Tidal Pennsylvanian
 I 64 East of Morehead and the Weigh Station west of  Olive Hill
Back Barrier Pennsylvanian
 I 64 Kentucky, east of Morehead Weigh-station, and  west of Grayson
Pottsville Pennsylvanian Barrier
Pottsville Pennsylvanian Barrier
 Barrier Facies Road cuts on I 75 16 miles west of  Jellico, Tennessee
Mississippian Ooids Carter Caves
Mississippian Ooids Carter Caves
 Roadcuts Ky I 64 by Olive Hill of Mississippian -  Newman limestone
Mississippian Tidal Channels
Mississippian Tidal Channels
 Roadcuts Ky I 64 just west of Morehead Weigh  Station
Newman Lst Mississippian
Newman Limestone Mississippian - Kentucky
 Roadcuts Ky Rt 801 south of Morehead and East of  Cave Run Lake
Newman Lst Tidal Mississippian
 Roadcuts Ky Rt 519 south of Morehead and east of  Cave Run Lake
Borden Mississippian Kentucky
Borden Mississippian Kentucky
 Ky Rt 801 east of Cave Run Lake
Borden Mississippian Formation
 Roadcut just east of Morehead entrance to Ky I 64
Berea Devonian AA Highway
Berea Devonian AA Highway
 Roadcuts of Ky AA Highway, east of Maysville, and  west of Grayson
Maps, Cross Sections and Diagrams
 Kentucky Route 23 maps, diagrams, and  photographic images
Upper Devonian Bedford and Berea Sequence
Upper Devonian Bedford and Berea Sequence
 Lower Mississippian Sunbury shale, Mississippian    Grainger formation, Pound Gap
Newman Lst Mississippian
Newman Limestone Mississippian
 US 23 Kentucky Pond Gap
Up Newman Limestone Mississippian
 US 23 Kentucky Pond Gap
Stony Gap Formation Mississippian
Stony Gap Formation Mississippian
 US 23 Kentucky Pond Gap
Pennington and Lee Formations
 US 23 Kentucky Pond Gap

Silurian and Ohio Shale I64 Kentucky
 Roadcuts Ky I 64 in vicininity of Owingsville, east of  Lexington and west of Morehead - Kentucky
Silurian AA Highway Kentucky
 Roadcuts exposed along Kentucky AA Highway  south-east of Maysville
Ordovician Winchester Kentucky
 Roadcuts on Ky State Rt 627 between I 75 & I 64 - to  SW of Winchester
Ordovician Maysville Kentucky
 Roadcuts on junction off the AA Highway on Ky    Route 62, west of Maysville, and the southern  bank of  Ohio River
Orovician Build Up Rock Dell
 US 58 Virginia, close to Dickensonville between St  Paul and Hansonville
Nolichucky Formation St. Paul Virginia
 US Rt. 58 east of St Paul and near Hansonville  Virginia
Nolichucky Formation Lebanon Virginia
 Roadcuts exposed along US Rt. 58 close to  Lebanon, Virginia
Nolichucky Formation Hansonville Virginia
 Roadcuts exposed along US Rt. 58 close to  Hansonville, Virginia 
Pre-Cambrian Tenn Rt 23
 Outcrops of metamorphic rocks exposed along I 26  from Ashville towards Johnson City just north of the  North Carolina-Tennessee border

      Bahama Banks

Belize Reefs and Lagoons
 Holocene carbonate depositional systems of the  marginal  marine of Belize.  Images of reefs, lagoons,  and tidal  flats, as well as maps and cross sections

      Canning Basin

Carbonate Diagenesis
 Diagrams and photographs tracking the variable  settings of carbonate diagenesis.

        Carbonate Particle Thin Sections

        Carbonate Porosity

Carbonate Porosity
 Diagrams and photomicrographs that track a variety  of carbonate porosity types and some of their  geologic controls

      Clare Basin

Ballybunion to Leck Point
 Lower Carboniferous Clare shale and  Ross formation
Kilcredaun Light House
 Ross formation - Deepwater Fan Lobe Sheets,  Channels & Local Small Slumps
Ross Formation Rehy Cliffs
 Ross formationMajor Sand Filled Channels
Kilbaha Bay Ross Formation
 Ross formationDeepwater Sheet Lobes and  Channeling
Dunmore Bay Ross Formation
 Ross formation - Deepwater turbidite Sheet Sands  and condensed sections
Loop Head Ross Formation
 Ross formation - Deepwater Sand Sheets with Low  Relief Channel Incision
Ross Bay Ross Formation
 Ross formation - Megaflutes and Deepwater  Channels
Bridges of Ross
 Ross formation - at Bridges of Ross North of  Shannon Estuary
Fishermans Point Ross Formation
 Ross formation - Deepwater Channels, Slumps and  Submarine Sand Volcanoes
Gull Island Formation
 Deepwater Margin Slumps and Condensed  sequences downslope from Basin margin
 Deltaic sediments of the Tullig formation at  Trusklieve, Co Clare
Foohagh Point Doonlicky Formation
 Doonlicky formation - Listric faulting of the deltaic  sediments exposed in the cliffs
Diamond Rocks Tullig Formation
 Deltaic Tullig formation at Diamond Rocks
Spanish Point Doonlicky Formation
 Exposures of the Doonlicky formation Clastic  Cycles

      Deepwater Sedimentary Structures

Deepwater Fans
 Outcrops of Permian sediments that show broad  generalities of slope margin, submarine fans, and the  channels that feed them
Fining Upward Graded Beds
 Graded beds illustrated with a number of the  fining  upward Bouma sequences common to  many turbidite terrains
Flute and Load Casts
 Flute casts, prod and other tool marks, eroded  grooves and gutters, and the load casts from  sediment dewatering
Mud Volcanoes
 Submarine volcanoes and ichnofossil structures  formed by dewatering of sediment and being  weighted down by the arrival of a downslope  transport event

        Eniwetok Holocene Reefs

Eniwetok Holocene Reefs
 Diagrams and photographs of the geology of  Eniwetok Atoll and Bora Bora

        Florida Carbonates

Florida Reefs and Bays
 Geology of the Florida Keys
Pleistocene Carbonates of Florida
 Geology of the Florida Keys

      Great Barrier Reef

Heron Island Reef
 Buildups in the Great Barrier Reef Australia at Heron  Reef
Low Isles Reef
 Buildups in the Great Barrier Reef Australia at Heron  Reef
Regional Reefs and Maps
 Great Barrier Reef

      Gulf of Carpentaria

Norman River and Karumba
 Regional aerial shots and photographs of the region  in the vicinity of the Norman River and Karumba
Central South Carpentaria
 Nassau River and Leichardt River and Sweers Island,  Van Der Lyn Island and North Island and the Bauxite  Pisolites deposites at Weipa

      Hook Head Ireland

Geological Diagrams and Maps
Lower Carboniferous Shelf Slop Carbonates
 Southwestern end of Hook Head adjacent to the  lighthouse
Templetown Bay
 West side of Hook Head
Devonian Harry Lock Formation
 Sandeel Bay on east side of Hook Head
Woarway Bay
 East side of Hook Head 
Lumsdin's Bay
 West side of Hook Head 
Booley Bay Formation
 West side of Hook Head 
Ordovician Caradocian
 West side of Hook Head beneath the town of  Duncannon 

      Mallorca Gallery

Mallorca Maps and Diagrams
 US Route 23 just North East of Lousia, Kentucky
Late Miocene Llucmajor Reef
 carbonate shelf and reef margin complex 

      Moroccan Geology

Moroccan Geology
 Jurassic and Devonian carbonates in the High Atlas  Mountains of Morocco

      Satellite Images

Satellite Images
 Images primarily taken from NASA

      Okefenokee Swamps

Eastern Okefenokee Swamp
 Widespread open prairie swamps with hammocks
Western Okefenokee Swamp
 Billies Lake, Minnies Lake, Floyds-Prarie  and  Billies-Island

      Peach Tree Rock Eocene

Peach Tree Rock Eocene
 Outcrops exposed in Preserve accumulated in the  middle Eocene and were deposited when the sea  level was about 125 meter higher than the present. 

      Permian Basin

Regional Geology
 Guadalupe Mountains and buried in the adjacent  subsurface
Permian Basin and Slope
 Guadalupe Mountains and buried in the adjacent  subsurface
Permian Basin Margin Crest
 Guadalupe Mountains and buried in the adjacent  subsurface
Permian Basin Tepees and Platform
 Guadalupe Mountains and buried in the adjacent  subsurface
Permian Basin Evaporites
 Guadalupe Mountains and buried in the adjacent  subsurface

      Shark Bay and Lake MacLeod

Shark Bay Stromatolites
 Holocene Intertidal Stromatolites and  other carbonates of Shark Bay, Western Australia
Lake MacLeod
 North of Shark Bay and Carnarvon, Western  Australia 

      Tepee Structures

Holocene Tepees


UAE Settings Gallery

Holocene Barrier and Lagoon
 Abu Dhabi Western UAE Coastal Photos and  Images

 United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) sabkha flats and  aeolian sediments
Qanatir Field Trip
 Supratidal evaporite and intertidal cynobacterial mats
Musafah Field Trip
 Supratidal evaporite and intertidal cynobacterial mats
Kenig Field Trip
 UAE ADIPEC Conference Field Trip Fabien Kenig  North of Abu Dhabi Island
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