Brooks R. Dillard page of rocks and minerals
Good quality photographs of Rocks and minerals taken by Brooks. Categories include Rocks & Minerals, Fossils & Dendrites, and Mountainbuilder Geology.
Carbonate hardgrounds
Wikipedia's compilation on carbonate hardgrounds as Surfaces of synsedimentarily cemented carbonate layers the have been and are exposed on the seafloor.
Fossils of Kentucky
Anything you want to know about Kentucky fossils is here! This site is extensive and should be visited by anyone interested in the geology of Kentucky. You can also visit Kentucky Paleonological Society which also has excellent photographs of road cuts, etc. and other links.
Portal for commercial services based in Porto Alegre Brazil related to thin section petrography. Provides a potentially useful in house interactive atlas of thin-section photomicrograph analyses. It helps the process of petrographic description and analysis.
Sedimentary rocks
Gallery of siliciclastic, carbonate sedimentary, and organic-rich sedimentary Rocks providing images of sedimentary structures, fossils, geologic formations and large-scale sedimentary features, igneous Rocks, minerals and structural geology. This is the teaching collection of Michael Rygel who is an Assistant Professor in the Geology Department at the State University of New York, College at Potsdam.
Wikipedia - Geology
A great place to start gathering geologic data and background knowledge. The materials provided are assembled as a free public service by volunteer geologic enthusiasts and professional to help in description and analysis of Rocks. Again Wikipedia online encyclopedia is a great source of scientific and geological background for first pass searches, but you should check and confirm the data provided with other independent sources.