
Neomorphosed Carbonate (N/11/Carb/Eng)

2.5 cross nicols
2.5 cross nicols
2.5 wave plate
2.5 wave plate
5x wave plate
Outstanding feature Radiaxial calcite crystals fill cavities in micrite matrix & some bryozoan support
Folk Classification Stromotactis cavities filled by radiaxial calcite spar in sparsely fosilliferous dense pelmicrite
Dunham Classification Stromotactis cavities filled by radiaxial calcite spar in sparsely fosilliferous dense pelpackstone
Common Grains Sparse bryzoan fronds and pelloids with cavities filled by radiaxial calcite spar lathes and internal cement
Sorting Poorly sorted
Rounding Poor rounding
Micritization & envelopes Grains are peloids or ooids and micrite envelopes
Cement & diagenetic fabric Complete replacement of pelloids and calcite by equant calcite
Porosity 5% Leached Intrapartical
Depositional Setting Low energy shoal
Diagenetic history Early compaction and cementation of micrite & implacement of radiaxial cement

Striking micrite supported cavities and fill by radiaxial calcite cement and internal sedimen on the floors of the canities. This latter sediment is now represented by crystals of calcite that appear to have undegone grain growth or the neomorphism of Folk.

Thursday, November 11, 2021
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