Neomorphosed Carbonate ( N/2/Pm/Eng )
 2.5x wave plate
 5x wave plate
 2.5x wave plate
 5x wave plate
Outstanding feature | Fine and medium grained equant calcite crystals replace micrite matrix |
Folk Classification | Sparse pelmicrite |
Dunham Classification | Sparse pellet packstone |
Common Grains | Ghosts of pellets but common calcite rhombs |
Sorting | Poorly sorted |
Rounding | Some indistinct rounding |
Micritization & envelopes | Grains are ghosts of peloids and micrite envelopes |
Cement & diagenetic fabric | Complete replacement of pelloids bimodal equant calcite |
Porosity | None |
Depositional Setting | Low energy shoal |
Diagenetic history | Recrystallized pelmicrite |
Striking recrystallization of micrite with bimodal grain growth mozaic. This is the grain growth or neomorphism of Folk.
Thursday, November 11, 2021