
Chertification ( B/112/Pm/NMx )

2.5x wave plate
5x wave plate
2.5 wave plate
5x wave plate
Outstanding feature Chert replaces oids, bioclastic grains & micrite and spar cement
Folk Classification Chertified ooid & brachiopod biosparite
Dunham Classification Chertified ooid brachiopod grainstone
Common Grains Ooids, brachiopods, intraclasts & micrite envelopes
Sorting Well sorted
Rounding Well rounded
Micritization & envelopes Micrite envelopes present
Cement & diagenetic fabric Almost complete replacement by chert
Porosity No porosity
Depositional Setting High energy shoal
Diagenetic history Chertification of ooids, skeleletal grains and sparite cement
Replacement of ooids, skeletal and spar cement by chert.

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