
Skeletal - Calcareous Algae - Cyanobacteria (Al/18/Hol/GSL Ut)

2.5x wave plate
5x wave plate
2.5x wave plate
Outstanding feature Layered fibrous aragonite & algal micrite
Folk Classification Algal biolithite & aragonite spheroids
Dunham Classification Algal boundstone & aragonite spheroids
Common Grains Layered fibrous aragonite & algal micrite
Sorting None
Rounding None
Micritization & envelopes Micritization of algal layers on surface of aragonite spheroids growing in layers
Cement & diagenetic fabric Layered spheroids of fibrous aragonite filling voids & micritization of algal layers
Porosity Depositional intrapartical cavernous 20%
Depositional Setting Lake shore well-cemented algal bioherm
Diagenetic history Micritization of algal layers on surface of growing aragonite spheroids layers

Well laminated cyanobacterial stromatolite head from the shore of the Great Salt Lake exhibiting micritization of algal layers on surface of growing aragonite fibrous spheroids from layers between algal micrite. Micrite layers being replaced by the aragonitic fibrous fabric precipitated within the cyanobacterial material.

Thursday, November 11, 2021
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