Radial Calcitic Ooids - Geometric & Layered Packing - Carboniferous (O/22/Carb/Aust)
 2.5 cross nicols
 10x wave plate
 2.5 wave plate
Outstanding feature |
Well sorted and loosely layered packed radial ooids & equant spar |
Folk Classification |
Well sorted radial ooidsparite |
Dunham Classification |
Radial oograinstone |
Common Grains |
Ooids |
Sorting |
Well sorted |
Rounding |
Well rounded |
Micritization & envelopes |
Some micritizaton of ooids |
Cement & diagenetic fabric |
Some of radial calcite in ooids extends into spar cement matrix |
Porosity |
Dense |
Depositional Setting |
High energy shoal |
Diagenetic history |
Late calcite crystals emplacement |
Striking layering of ooid grains that appears related to compaction. The ooids are floating in a spar cement.
Some of radial crystal fabric ooid grains extends out from the ooids into the equant spar cement but this is not common.
Thursday, November 11, 2021